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Post 28 - God Bless America

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Post 28 - God Bless America

Every year we take time to remember the day the United States of America won its independence. The 4th of July is a special moment where we get to appreciate the many blessings we share simply by being Americans.

This is not a perfect nation. On any given day we struggle against one another on matters ranging from health care to taxes, but these issues are tiny when we consider the struggles and hardship this great country has had to overcome in the past.

We are not a perfect people.  We have, over time, allowed our foreign policy, our media institutions, our corporate wealth to grow too powerful, to cause much destruction and harm both here at home and abroad. But, because we are Americans, we have the innate understanding that power is vested in us. We are on the cusp of commandeering authority back from a diminished establishment power structure that has made a mockery of the legacy of this great land. Be thankful and be proud.

America is not defined by its president. America is not defined by its military. America is defined by its people and all that we bring to the table of the global community. We are people who never quit on our dreams. We are people who never give up our ideals. We are people that never waver in the face of oppression, discrimination, or evil.

On this glorious 4th of July, let us remember the relentless fighting spirit of our forefathers.  Never forget the countless men and women who have given up so much for the simple pursuit of freedom and justice. On this Independence Day let us recommit ourselves to the promise of America and, as one united people, drive out any who seek to tarnish our way of life.

My brothers and sisters may God Bless you and may God Bless America.

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