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Tonight, Tonight

Sal BiaseComment
Tonight, Tonight

Tonight, Tonight

Just for tonight let's pretend nothing ever went wrong
I will jot down all our memories to a tender love song
Let's get drunk and curse the gods that made us so loathsome 
But let's not be lonesome tonight

Tonight, tonight we're gonna sort all our shit out
The moment I saw you removed all of my doubt
I know sometimes you can be wicked and I'm generally ungrateful 
But let's not be hateful tonight

I love to get lost in all of this
I've dreamt so long for it to exist 
I'll have one more, I've told you I'm sure
I promise you'll forever be missed

So, I'll see you tonight when that last train arrives 
I can't wait to drown my sorrows in your worn denim eyes
Retreat with me baby girl; we'll be safest under my covers
Let's just be lovers tonight